Definition The moduli-completion of an -category in is given by

(here the RHS is moduli completion of pointed presheaves, see defn - (formal) moduli-objects in a pointed category)


Let be a non-unital -operad, a presentably symmetric monoidal stable -category. Let denote the Koszul dual operad. There’s an equivalence

That is, algebras over moduli-complete to algebras over .

Remark: even for , the LHS above generalizes the category of formal moduli constructed by Lurie, Gatisgory-Rozenblyum in several ways

  • It makes sense for . Of particular interest are examples
    • for an ring spectrum. For example,
    • It might contain “curved deformations/formal moduli equipped with (non-flat connections/twisted D-modules)“.

Also, we expect to admit various full subcategories constructed using a generalization of the notion in defn - nilpotent maps of commutative ring spectra