
There’s a categorification of the -category of graded spectra. That is, a symmetric monoidal category and an equivalence

Since graded spectra can be identified with representations of the spectral algebraic group (the flat, not smooth version), such a categorification can be viewed as a 2-categorical -representation.

Additionally, we have a concrete object-wise description of a 2-categorical representation is a stable -category with an internal grading.


We define

Remark (internal gradings) An object in is said to be a stable -category with an internal grading. This terminology refers to how such an object is the data of a stable category and monoidal functor The datum is said to be an internal grading. The data of the monoidal functor provides equivalences That is, is completely determined by the data of a endofunctor , which is invertible, with a inverse given by .

Remark: we could more generally define an -category with a internal grading similarly for arbitrary small (non-stable) -categories. Our setup here uses the stability the situation to exhibit as a categorification of the stable category , which we discuss now.

Representation-theoretic Description

Using the action of on , we have

where the subscript on the RHS denotes the categorified group algebra but we also recognize this as graded spectra. In short,

Geometric interpretation

There’s a symmetric monoidal equivalence arising from descent along

Monadic comparison for base change of 2-categorical sheaves along (i.e. the 2-categorical global sections adjunction) gives a map which would be an equivalence if is 1-affine.