Strict Elements

Definition The anima of -(strict-)elements of a spectrum is given by

Remark: Koszul-dual description The right hand side can be rewritten using toposic Koszul duality, namely that

Example: 1 and 2 elements There are two instances of this calculation that will be important

That is, they’re the spectra respectively encoding -cohomology at and at .

Remark: forgetful maps We have functors

giving by forgetting maps to .

Definition A strictification of is a lift along to .

Remark: where this is going Combing with the example calculation, the main result of the paper of Grossman-Naples is that the map is the one induced by restriction along .

Remark Doing this in families, we can get -stacks that are moduli of -elements. The local geometry on these stacks is “strict deformation theory”.


Proposition The functor

is corepresented by the spherical group ring . That is

Proof: by unpacking the adjunctions.

It turns out these are loop stacks of the flat affine line


Example Let be a symmetric monoidal stable -category That is, the strict picard group is the anima of points .

Example the element (this discussion could explain the appearance of Wilson spaces)