Glasman’s theorem about -categorical Day convolutions shows: Let be a symmetric monoidal -categories, we have an equivalence

Example: dualizable objects where the inclusion is from strong symmetric monoidal functors to lax ones. Hence, by cobordism hypothesis, the data of a fully dualizable object has a description as an -algebra object in a (non-symmetric monoidal!) functor category, with respect to Day convolution.

Example: filtered rings: A filtered ring spectrum is the data of a symmetric monoidal functor from the symmetric monoidal poset to .

Example: categorified presheaves Let be a symmetric monoidal -category Example: 6-functor formalisms In the above example, take , where is some category of geometric objects, like schemes - in particular has all finite products, and hence a Cartesian monoidal structure, and this induces a monoidal structure on . Lukas Mann defines a 6-functor formalism as an object of the LHS