Setting - Spherical Derived Geometry

Algebraic Traces

The Tannakian comparison

is responsible for a theory of traces: the dimension of a -categorical sheaf is stored as datum of a local system on a loop.

There are dual ways to view this map

  • Fixing , we see the above is the Tannakanization Defn- Tannakianization map evaluated on the stack
  • Fixing , we get a natural transformation

We’ll adopt the latter, viewing this construction as providing as a “theory of traces”, which encodes monodromy of 1-categorical sheaves around -loops as local systems on the anima .

We run the story above, but replacing the “Betti-circle” (the constant stack ) with the “algebraic circle” (the punctured affine plane ).

Construction (Algebraic traces)

This is a new “theory of traces”, which encodes monodromy of 1-categorical sheaves around algebraic-loops as local systems on the punctured affine line .

remark: These should then be input to Cartier-Transforms.



is 1-categorically Morita equivalent to . Let’s denote these by

    • . An action is an automorphism
    • . An action is an automorphism, as N is free E_1 monoid on a point.

Circle and free algebra

looping the above observation, is Morita-equivalent to . We can also see this directly via a kind of Riemann-Hilbert argument:

We see the data of exhibiting a spectrum as global sections of a sheaf on is precisely data of an automorphism of , which by earlier is equivalent to data of a -action.

(Remark: this should have some consequence about spherical cohomology of ? We should do a sanity check with target )

Comparison Maps The map of spectra classifying the multiplicative unit of the rings structure on the RHS, when remembering the multiplicative structure on the RHS, gives a map of algebras

this is an equivalence of E_1 rings, so it was a bit unecessary calling it an equivalence. BTW this shows up in 2-categorical G_m reps.

Base change along this map gives an adjunction

which is an equivalence (note: this is a silly little redundant sentence back when we thought these spaces could be different)

Trace Maps

Reminder: The Ordinary Chern Character

In the non-strict setting, the trace map is constructed as a special case of the following

symmetric monoidal -category with duals, there’s a trace map

Taking , this is a map

The left hand side is

From now on, take to be a perfect stack. There’s a map classified by the map

Composing these, we get a map , which we call the Chern Character.

The derived Chern character

We again run the same story but replacing Betti circles with their algebraic counterparts. The map classifies a map