Thick Subcategories, closed and open towers

Let dentoe -local spectra for the remainder of this.

The thick subcategory theorem states that tensor ideals of assemble into a downwards filtration

We’ll refer to an object the full subcategory as a finite spectrum of type .

The layers (verdier quotients) of these are to be interpreted as finite spectrum of type exactly

(This is one characterization of -local spectra)

Bounding the type of a spectrum below is a “closed” procedure: the inclusion maps form the closed part of a recollement. This is a non-commutative version of completing a function along a closed subscheme. Hence, there’s a corresponding “open”-tower

And the open tower of truncations from above is connected by maps in the other direction

Geometric picture

The basic objects are:

  • moduli of oriented spectral formal groups
  • moduli of oriented spectral formal groups up to height

The ring spectrum map (This comes by construction of , it’s a sort of a universal/Lubin-Tate orientation) induces a map . This will turn out to be an open map of stacks.

At height zero, we have

So one way to say what’s happening is that the “generic point” factors through the “affinization” , which in turn gets interpolated by a sequence of open embeddings

Theorem (Gregoric)

There’s an equivalence of stable -categories

and pushing forward along the open embeddings correspond to the inclusion maps in the open tower.