More on anima of strict elements

Let be a spectrum, we have

hence, we have a representability result:

Lemma The functor is co-represented by the spectrum Examples: and

  • is corepresented by . Indeed, is “weak”/“ordinary” elements.
  • is corepresented by , this is “strict”-elements. For example, is the groupoid of strict picard elements.

Hence, is a sequence functors interpolation between strict and weak elements.

Example: n= 2

For example, case is representable by Hence, for a spectrum , is an anima with homotopy groups where on the right hand side is the reduced cohomology groups for pointed spaces:

As explained in Higher Strictification Data, there is a tower of forgetful maps

Moduli Theory

Using the construction from from Higher Strictification Data (which we encountered first in the context of Complex Orientations), we can construct moduli of elements for algebraic geometry over any nice -operad .

Namely, giving an -algebra , we can associate to it the anima of -elements . This is given by the composite Which one can view as a prestack on .

Structure in the case

In the case , we have several structures present

Representability 1-strict elements are ordinary/weak elements. We can see That is, is an affine scheme in -geometry corresponding free -algebra on one generator in degree .

Additive structure Furthermore, this lifts to an abelian group object in anima. Because lifts to a group object, classified by the connective cover .

Multiplicative structure

is lax-symmetric monoidal, hence, it induces a functor that lives over, via the forgetful functors , the functor . That is Hence, is a group stack.

We’d like to ask what happens to these structures at and beyond. This will be used to study a theory of transmutations, as in the geometric approach to prismatic cohomology.