This note reviews some constructions of Lurie-Davis

Idea (: moduli of height n p-divisible groups) Let be an adic ring in anima. We construct a stack on connective affines:

The game is to consider formal formal geometry above . We consider the -category of formal stacks

Construction of moduli. Construction of is designed to capture the definition that a -divisible group over the the adic ring is data:

here denotes strict abelian group objects, often modelled in the Lawvere way.

The maps induce functors out of these categories of strict abelian group stacks, that keep track of torsion and torsion-free data respectively.

  • The condition of being -divisible is stated in these terms: for any input . That is, being p-divisible means p-locally, there is only p-torsion data. (p=Torsion-free = p-rational = p-indivible). Another way to say this is that is a -torsion abelian group.

  • Then there’s the condition of being “affine”: It says the prestack of strict elements of is given by . Furthermore we ask for a to be finite flat.

More generally, there are stacks of -torsion elements

(these assemble into the Tate-module of ).

  • Finally, Flatness is about how the scheme interacts with the -map. (does this have something to do with the Frobenius?). But actually this is the property that’s said to be p-divisible?

we ask that the map is surjective with respect to finite flat topology. This means that finite-flat-locally, everything is divisible by p: an element in can be written as for some .

Heights of p-divisible groups Define a (possibly infinite) numerical meaure

The multiplicative group example of Lurie is instructive: it’s an explicit way to work with periodicity.

Remark A map is said to be a (n -family of) height n p-divisible groups on .

Example on the p-local sphere (as an adic ring), is the moduli stack of spectral -divisble groups.

Construction: Landweber Stack at height n

For as before, construct Remark sends a formal affine to an ring .

We’d like to view as a geometric object: as a formal ring stack, or as something like a spectral DM stack.

Remark This is supposed to resemble how the classical Landweber theorem is a constrution sending a formal group to a complex-oriented ring spectrum

Basic properties of this correspondence

can be described by data of the -family of height p-divisible groups

where is the dualizing line of .

Example (Absolute case)

Take the initial case as an adic ring in anima.