
Let be a map of -rings, , the -category of deformations of the -algebra , along the trivial extension , is the pullback of the diagram

We denote the result by

Furthermore, there’s a natural choice of a basepoint: namely the trivial/constant deformation We’ll henceforce denote by the above space as a pointed anima (). Our first observation is that this pointed space is an infinite loop space.

Lemma There’s an equivalence Proof: This is a slight generalization of a theorem in DAG-XIV. Using “clutching” for .


Let denote the spectrum with Remark is a stable homotopy type classifying deformation theory of rings.

  • It is non-connective in general.
  • A priori, even if are classical rings and is a discrete module, is still non-discrete: the Postnikov amplitude (range of non-vanishing homotopy groups) of measures non-smoothness of the map

Remark The above works verbatim for any suitably nice - operad, we didn’t use anything special about the -operad. In particular, we have -versions.

Caution: Given the input as before, we have an -Kodaira-Spencer spectrum for each . These are all distinct in general since deformations of an -algebra is different from those of its underlying algebra.

Relationship to cotangent complex

The underlying linearity of the situation has a even more direct manifestation, we have

Lemma Proof: Using the equivalence The RHS can be unwound in terms of automorphisms of objects in categories of algebras, unpacking this description leads to the result, as in DAG-XIV.

Remark: We can see that the RHS is pointed by the 0 map and lifts to a infinite loop space, as it’s the mapping space in a stable -category. We also see immediately by substituting that it agrees with the spectrum constructed in the last section, as we have


Tangent complexes as Kodaira-Spencer spectra Taking , we recover the relative tangent complex: Remark: Another useful/suggestive form of this example is that the Kodaira-Spencer spectrum for the unit -module is the shifted cotangent complex , which suggests the whole picture could be interpreted via Koszul duality, as in the picture in Paper - formal moduli via fractal infinity categories.