This definition appears in upcoming work of Scheimbauer-Walde

Idea A categorification of a commutative monoid is a semiadditive -category.

A categorification of an -commutative monoid (in the sense of Harpaz) is an -semiadditive category.

For , one can make the following recursive definition

Definition: An -category is -semiadditive if

  • the underlying -category of -semi-additive AND
  • the hom--categories are -semiadditive -categories

Observe that by construction, at each , semi-additivity is a property rather than extra structure.

Remark At , the second line in the condition doesn’t quite make sense: it doesn’t mean anything for the mapping anima to be a “semi-additive groupoid”.

We can rephrase the definition in a more uniform way that DOES extend down though, by saying an -category is -semiadditive if its underlying -category is, and additionally it is tensored in -semiadditive -categories. A priori this looks like extra data of a categorical action, but we see at the base case , this is asking for a category to be tensored over , and this extra data in fact is property, because is a mode.