
Where we’re going: formally completing co-deformations as a local system

We’ll consider a notion of deforming - a left -module, along -a map of rings.


  • LHS is the category of codeformation Defn-codeformation.
  • RHS the an -groupoid(!) that we’ll define as

We show below that this admit a right-adjoint, which in nice cases will turn out to be fully faithful.


  • This map is a local system. We can do things like calculate its homology, cohomology, make use of -semiaddivity in monochromatic settings, etc.
  • The projection map in the local system implements the operation of “formally completing”. That is, it sends a codeformation to a “formal codeformation”.
  • The total space of this local system is a “simple kind of category”: it the sort of thing that arises as the fiber at a single object of a right-adjoint functor between stable -categories.

Relationship to moduli of objects We’ll denote , to suggest that it should be thought of as an unpointed -Koszul duality. From this perspective, the right adjoint to the above provides a map - which will turn out to be fully faithful when is sufficiently nice ( is nice relative to ).

This is a generalization of the type of results proved in DAG-X about deformations of objects - where similar outcome was obtained by thinking explicitly about deforming objects in a -linear setting: however , those results are about deformations.

What does the completion map do?

The data of a morphism of algebras

is the data of an action of on .

Now represents the monad for the adjunction

Hence, the data of an algebra map above is precisely co-descent data along this adjunction. Our notion of “completing a codeformation” has the following heuristic:

  • To complete a codeformation means to compute its codescent data
  • To embed formal deformations back into deformations, compute the object glued out of codescent data.


Descent along the adjunction gives comparison map

Taking the fiber of this along gives the desired comparison map.

LMod_{End_A(B)}(LMod_B) \times_{LMod_B}\{M\} \simeq Map_{Alg^{(1)}}(End_{A}(B), End_{B}(M))$$ **Actions** - this notion categorifies, following how descent categorifies. - This suggests a dual notion of a formal Deformation (more familiar geometrically, but a less intuitive structure): a formal deformation is a lift to a comodule over descent comonad. (Because not all objects have coendomorphism coalgebras, this is not merely a map of co-algebras, hence a bit harder than before).