General Paradigm

A morphism of geometric objects induces a map of categorification towers (Defn - omega-monoids) , with components We’d like to compare

  • -categorical descent data along , with
  • -categorical descent data along on .

Case study: -rings

Let be an augmented , let denote the corresponding pointed presheaf. ( here is not used here to denote any notion of smallness or completion, but rather to evoke the feeling of working in a setting with pointed affines).

Lemma Writing , we have an equivalence Proof -linear Eilenberg-Watts.

Remark An informal way to think about this functor is as as a Fourier-Mukai transform. Taking

  • Input: - A -linear endofunctor of
  • Output: the Fourier-Mukai integral kernel of F, which lives on the stack

Now, we observe that

  • LHS has the structure of a -monoidal, -linear -category, we’ll denote this by
  • RHS has the structure of being the space of arrows in a cogroupoid object - concretely, it gives a cosimplicial category .

To be more specific, we observe that

  • LHS controls 2-categorical codescent along : is the monad associated .
  • RHS knows about 1-categorical descent: .

Putting this all together, we arrive at a conceptual picture:

  • -categorical codescent data can be described by their Fourier-Mukai kernels, which are -categorical descent data


  • explain how this gives rise to a notion of completion, possibly rephrased in Defn - Tannakian completions.
  • do explicit example of doing reconstructions along . 1-categorically this has to do with inverting/completing automorphisms, 2-categorically it has to do with … recollement?
  • Taking -equivariant version of above, this says there’s some graded refinement of operations like inverting an endofunctor, and that this could have to do with internally filtered categories.