Rok Gregoric constructs a symmetric-monoidal equivalence of -categories


  • is the non-connective spectral DM stack of oriented spectral formal groups to Spectra.
  • is thick subcategory generated by the structure sheaf.

Details on the theorem

More precisely, what is shown is the following: consider the constant sheaves/global sections adjunction for

One shows that becomes fully faithful when restricted along . This is a consequence of a calculation of the global sections of the structure sheaf:

which is related to how the ring spectrum Amitsur-completes to . Ind-completing both sides of yields the theorem.

Coherent Affinization

What the theorem is saying that the geometric objects and are (1-categorically) Morita equivalent: that is, they have equivalent “(1-)categories of representations” (given here by the functor .)

Furthermore the equivalence is induced by a map of the geometric objects, namely the map into the final object . We can interpret this as follows:

  • This is like saying, when using the sheaf theory , the final map exhibits as an affinization of .
  • That geometry over is a kind of geometry below - it sees things that happen over .

Constructing ring spectra

Fix , classifying some formal group over , we can precompose with pushing forward along to get a map

In particular, the structure sheaf gives rise to an ring spectrum

Question Can the map arise from a certain adjunction over or under Sp? In this sense, the moduli of formal groups is something that encodes descent over something “below "".

Question , together with its symmetry, correspond to what construction in ?